By now you are probably wondering why we called our journal One Second. For us it was important to create a journal that is authentic, that presents traveling in an honest light, with all it greatness and shortcomings. That is why we wanted to find a name that symbolizes it. Nowadays our world got pretty hectic and everyone seems to be in a rush.
While traveling we realized that quite often we also rush through those moments. Many of us nowadays often live in the future or the past. Either you dream of the next place where you want to go, the next product you desperately need or just looking forward to that next paycheck.
We also love to keep living in the past, when we think of the times we were at university or school, were life was still easy or that year abroad were you had the time of your life. However, rarely we are living in the present. One Second wants to display how beautiful the present is and how important it is to enjoy the moment while it is happening.
One Second wants to present how beautiful the present is and how important it is to enjoy the moment while it is happening.
Oliver & Paulyne
We both lived abroad and traveled to various countries. Thanks to the amazing places that we saw and the great things that we experienced, we rarely slowed down for a moment to enjoy it for real. We have thousands of pictures of beautiful landscapes, unique monuments or wildlife, but while taking those pictures or rushing to the next big thing we forgot to appreciate it while it was happening.
One Second is a homage to that one second where we finally managed to slow down, to soak in that moment and realize how beautiful this planet is and how grateful we can be to experience this right now. This one second were you do realize: “Hey that is really happening right now… I am sitting here at the other side of the world…” We want to share those seconds with you and want to inspire you to go out and experience your own One Second(s).
One Second is a homage to that one second where we finally managed to slow down, to soak in that moment and realize how beautiful this planet is and how grateful we can be to experience this right now.
Oliver & Paulyne