We are Paulyne and Oliver, a couple that loves to explore new destinations in all their facets and two people that are constantly curious. To give you a bit better understanding of who we are we introduce ourselves individually below.

My name is
During family
And guess what am I doing

Before starting to work as a Flight Attendant I studied Foreign Languages. It was important for me to become bilingual in English to be able to apply for airlines.
In 2011 came the year when I had to go to an English speaking country for one semester, I chose Australia. I lived there for 5 months where I fell in love with this country. I still hope to move back one day.
However, I had to go back to France to finish my studies always having in mind to travel again as soon as possible. Only one month later, I found myself in New York for New Year Eve.
My addiction

On one side, moving abroad was a huge change for me and I was super excited. On the other side, I was also anxious because it was a totally different culture to what I came across before, and to be honest it wasn’t love at first sight.
I got to learn to deal with the aspects I didn’t like and my biggest support was that I was flying to approximately 6 different countries a month. I could be in Jakarta on Monday, back to Dubai on Tuesday and then flying to San Francisco on Friday.
I just loved it!

On top of that, this job gives you huge advantages to travel on your days off. (If you want any information about this job, feel free to contact me via contact@onesecondjournal.com).

Something that I deeply appreciate about Emirates and Dubai was the cosmopolitan aspect of it.
However, it could also be hard sometimes. For example, when you see people in need (you don’t only have rich people in Dubai and it is quite easy to see), of

After those three
As I was not speaking German, I couldn’t apply for a German airline so we decided to move to France. I found a Cabin Crew job quite easily and Oli found his job at Evaneos.
At the

I really enjoy writing, Oli is pretty good at photography and we both like interactions with others so we thought it would be a good idea to create a blog where we can keep our memories but also share with you and interact with other travellers.
I hope you will like it and do not hesitate to write us !

I was born in 1991 in Berlin, Germany and grew up there until I was 19 years old. The first movie that I went to in cinemas was the Lion King. Obviously until now still my favourite movie and probably the reason for my great passion for nature, wildlife and Africa.

After finishing high school I needed to get out and find out what I want to do with my time on this beautiful planet. Back then I had no idea so I decided to move to Australia for a year to find out who I really am and what I wanted to.
In this life-changing year, I not only got my first work experience and learned how to speak English but also got infected with the travel bug.
On my journey throughout

After one year I returned to Germany to start studying International Business
Economies and global companies are the main reason for their destruction and disappearance so I wanted to understand how we could change the current state.
In my

First I moved to Istanbul, Turkey, because we have a lot of people in Germany with

After living in Turkey I directly moved to the South of France, to Biarritz, to do an internship. I missed the sea and I missed to surf so it was the perfect place to go. It was also the place where I met Paulyne. The love of my life… cheezy I know.

Unfortunately, I had to go back and continue my studies. After two years of living in Germany, I had enough and managed to get two exchange semester for my masters.
The first one brought me to Iceland. The island of gods how I liked to call it, due to the fact that on a tiny piece of land you will find so much astonishing beauty, it is incredible. After spending my time with the
Africa was calling.

I was always dreaming of Africa, so I finally moved to Cape Town in 2017. There I studied for 6
But again I needed to return home to finish my studies. In the

This thesis and my interests led me finally to where I am today. I am happily living in Paris and work at Evane
I love to share my passion
That is why I started to take pictures and write my stories. I hope you will enjoy them.